Monday, October 15, 2012

Classroom Management

In the education world as for being a teacher, your main goal is to have classroom management. Classroom Management is how the teacher delivers the curriculum, as well as the environment in which students will learn each and everyday. This focus on a lot. First you have to have a safe environment for your students because if you don't, they would not feel comfortable coming to your class. You also have to set rooms, routines and consequences for your classroom. You have to be on a schedule and know when everything happens and how to handle things. Also you have to keep the students parents and guardians involve in everything the students. Make sure you have a good relationship with each of your students so that you can know them inside and out. You would need to be patient at all times. At all times, you would need to be friendly.

Example of Classroom Management..  


  1. ?

  2. I do believe in having classroom management because provides a safe and effective learning environment. Also, it helps the class run smoothly.

  3. Being able to get to know your students will allow you to have a more family like classroom. The students will be able to be comfortable with you and will be more will to come to class and learn.
