Monday, October 29, 2012

How to keep Positive Behavior in the Classroom?

In the classrooms today, classroom behaviors one of the issues that teacher face today. Classroom behaviors are really important in the classrooms. Disruptions and other issues that calls a conflict is class results to time management and the environment you have in your class. Every year, you should set a behavior or discipline  chart up so that it can be the first thing they see when they enter the room. The teachers set the foundation for the students. However the teacher act in the classroom then that's how the students will come off. As a teacher you have to model good behavior also. I know sometimes the students can come off being wild and misbehaving but it's the teachers  job to have consequence and other ways to handle the situations. You have to show respect, encourage your students and listen to there suggestions. All these fall right under the behavior system because if you don't do these things, something will go wrong because the students are the future and they should be the ones to lead the way.

Structure on having positive behavior in the classrooms.


  1. Yes I think behavior is the biggest problem when talking about classroom management. When having good classroom management skills tackling bad behavior should not be a big problem.

  2. I actually remember these from elementary school!
    And you know what, they actually worked...
    I believe that these can definitely help to influence classroom behavior.

  3. What about that one student who doesn't care about the behavior chart, trips to the principal's office, notes home?

  4. Children are the future and they should have discipline when they are younger because this will give them structure. If the children grow up with a level head on their shoulders they will have a bright future.

  5. Yes the teachers attitude will impact the students attitude. If the teacher comes in the class with a negative attitude the students will act accordingly. Its important for teachers to leave their problems at home where they belong not in the classroom. Jessica Broussard

  6. You are so correct the teacher must model a good attitude in order for the students to model great behavior. Your disposition as a teacher or any other profession is the key. Great post.
